
 Ring of Jalowcowa or Juniper Berry Kielbasa. A firm, full-bodied sausage, seasoned with juniper berries and smoked with juniper wood.  Very flavorful.

It can be served as a cold cut or it can be heated in water, fried, baked or grilled.   Tastes great with sauerkraut and Mustard.

Jalowcowa is fully cooked, ready to eat as is.  Needs refrigeration. For best results, allow meat to fully thaw in your refrigerator.

Sold in a package approx. 0.8 - 1 lb




Current Stock:
5.00 (in)
8.00 (in)
2.00 (in)
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I’ve been around meat stalls most of my life. I’ve made sausage for years but never JALOWCOWA. This is a very tasty sausage and is great in Kapusta or by itself. I highly recommend to anyone who loves sausages this one. It’s a winner’


My wife and I were born and raised in Philadelphia with polish traditions, but after moving down south, we have find it hard to find Polish Delis that ship and whose Keilbasa is comparable. A wide variety of Keilbasa, the S&D Polish Deli is the BEST. If you like a mild smoked favored Keilbasa, Jalowacow is excellent.

Juniper Berry Kielbasa

Delicious taste and good texture.

Juniper kielbasa

Excellent taste and texture,Willbuy again.


Excellent....Pittsburgh's finest.......like Grandpaps


Great flavor!

We need you in the Blue Ridge Mts of NC

These were better than even the ones I used to make. I'm so glad I went hunting for a Polish deli on the net.